Torsion Fields as a Reality
Torsion fields are currently perceived as science fiction. It is shown here that such a perception is incorrect since the existence of torsion fields around terrestrial objects is determined by the laws of classical electrodynamics. In addition, it is shown here that there are both natural and artificial phenomena that can be considered as evidence of the reality of torsion fields.
The term “torsion fields” seems to be completely discredited now. This discredit is completely unjustified since the existence of literally “torsion fields” around earthly objects is determined by the laws of classical electrodynamics. Moreover, the existence of torsion fields demonstrates a number of well-known phenomena, both natural and artificial.
Theoretical Framework
In the beginning, it is worth remembering Kyon’s rule, which describes the distribution of electrical charges between two phases that differ in dielectric permeability: when two phases come into contact, the phase with a higher dielectric permeability acquires a positive electric charge, and the phase with a lower dielectric permeability acquires a negative electric charge [1]. Thus, taking into account this rule and the fact that the dielectric permeability of most substances is greater than the dielectric permeability of air, equal to ~1 [1]–[3], it becomes clear that most objects in contact with air have a positive charge and electric fields, the vectors of which are directed from these objects (Fig. 1, left).
Fig. 1. Left: a positively charged sphere will have the field lines pointing away from it and Right: a negatively charged sphere will have the field lines pointing towards it [2], [3].
Taking into account, at the same time, the existence of the geomagnetic field (Fig. 2), it becomes clear that all objects located on the earth’s surface are sources of Poynting vectors:
Fig. 2. Lines with arrows indicate the geomagnetic field [5].
c–speed of light in air,
E–electric field vector,
B–geomagnetic field vector [4].
Apparently, the characteristics of these Poynting vectors are quite obvious. So, assuming that the geomagnetic field does not change near the sphere shown in Fig. 1 on the left, one can conclude that the absolute values of its Poynting vectors in the horizontal plane decrease in the same way as the absolute value of its Poynting vectors in the horizontal plane E, i.e., proportional to 1/r2 (where r is the distance from the centre of a given sphere to some point in its surroundings). Also, it can be concluded that the absolute values of these Poynting vectors in the vertical direction decrease like a cosine wave and are equal to 0 on a vertical line passing through the center of the same sphere. At the same time, within the framework of the stated topic, special attention is deserved by the fact that all these Poynting vectors are oriented along a circle when viewed from above (Fig. 3), thereby forming a torsion field of the sphere under discussion.
Fig. 3. The red arrows indicate the Poynting vectors that arise in the horizontal plane around a positively charged sphere due to the interaction of its electric field (Fig. 1) with the vertical component of the geomagnetic field directed downward in the northern hemisphere of the Earth (Fig. 2).
It is also important that all these Poynting vectors are oriented counterclockwise (Fig. 3) and, thus, determine the same cyclic movement of any positive charge, thereby manifesting the torsion field of the sphere under discussion; apparently, it is quite obvious that negative charges, including electrons, move in this torsion field in the opposite direction, that is, clockwise. Thus, there is reason to believe that any earthly object that acquires a positive charge upon contact with air is a source of not only an electric field (Fig. 1, left), but also a source of a similar torsion field (Fig. 3), which, in principle, can be characterized using the rotor vector function rot S, i.e., the same function with which it is customary to characterize the magnetic field, rot B itself [2].
In continuation, it is worth noting that all the charges that rotate under the influence of all these Poynting vectors (Fig. 3) are also under the influence of Lorentz forces arising due to the movement of these charges relative to the geomagnetic field: where:
q–rotating charge,
c–speed of light in air,
v–the velocity vector of the rotating charge,
B–geomagnetic field vector [2], [3].
Equally important is that all these Lorentz forces are directed towards the center of the sphere in question (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. The dark red arrows indicate the Lorentz forces acting on positive charges orbiting the sphere in question (Fig. 1, left): these forces arise due to the movement of these positive charges relative to the vertical component of the geomagnetic field directed downward in the northern hemisphere of the Earth (Fig. 2). It seems quite obvious that these Lorentz forces contribute to the positive electrization of this very sphere.
Therefore, the charges closest to this very sphere are simultaneously acted upon by the oppositely directed electrostatic force qE and the Lorentz force (2), capable of balancing each other:
It is quite obvious that with such balancing these same charges find themselves in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
It is, apparently, no less obvious that a complete description of this equilibrium is quite complex. In particular, the complexity of such a description is determined by the fact that these same charges, moving in a circle, create magnetic fields directed opposite to the geomagnetic field inside this circle, and magnetic fields directed along the geomagnetic field outside the same circle [2]. In view of all this, a particular solution to the system of (1)–(3) seems very problematic (and this is without taking into account other forces, in particular friction forces). Despite this, it is very likely that any terrestrial object in contact with air forms a dynamically stable positively charged environment, thereby strengthening its Poynting vectors (Fig. 3) and maintaining the stability and stable cyclic movement of this very environment.
To complete the picture, it is also worth discussing torsion fields created by terrestrial objects that have a negative charge (Fig. 1, right), for example, dielectric objects immersed in water (it should be taken into account that the dielectric permeability of most dielectrics is much less than the dielectric permeability of water, which can reach ~90 at low temperatures and in the dark [1], [2]). So, reasoning in a similar way, one can be convinced that in the northern hemisphere of the Earth the sphere shown in Fig. 1, right, generates Poynting vectors rotating clockwise and Lorentz forces directed from it. Apparently, it is also clear that these Lorentz forces are aimed at increasing the negative charge of this very sphere (Fig. 1, right) and, consequently, its Poynting vectors.
Since all the above considerations are based exclusively on the purely experimental Kyon’s rule [1] and on the laws of classical electrodynamics [2]–[4], which only reflect reality, the existence of phenomena demonstrating the reality of torsion fields is quite expected; in particular, one can expect the existence of phenomena demonstrating stable circular motion under terrestrial conditions. It should be noted that these expectations are not in vain. Thus, it is clear that in the northern hemisphere, a tornado accumulating positively charged water vapor [6] rotates counterclockwise when viewed from above (Fig. 5, left), that is, in full accordance with (1); it is quite likely that it is the combined action of the forces described by (1)–(3) that ensures the stable rotation of the tornado.
Fig. 5. Left: This is a photo of a tornado from space: it is clear that in the northern hemisphere, the tornado is spinning counterclockwise. Right: This is a diagram of the Sargasso Sea, which is also in the northern hemisphere: it can be seen that the Sargasso Sea is limited by currents rotating clockwise when viewed from above [5].
At the same time, taking into account the above considerations, it becomes clear why the Sargasso Sea, also located in the northern hemisphere, but accumulating negatively charged water [5], is limited by stable currents rotating clockwise when viewed from above (Fig. 5, right). So, taking once again into account all the above considerations, there is enough reason to perceive both the flows that form the tornado (Fig. 5, left) and the currents limiting the Sargasso Sea (Fig. 5, right) as Onsager electric currents associated with mass transfer [7], [8].
It also seems worthwhile to recall here the existence of phenomena that make it possible to confirm all the above considerations in laboratory conditions. Thus, it was previously established that negatively charged water flowing down from a narrow slit rotates clockwise (Fig. 6, left), while positively charged water flowing out in the same way rotates counterclockwise (Fig. 6, right) [9].
Fig. 6. Left: As negatively charged water flows out of a narrow gap, it swirls clockwise. Right: As positively charged water flows out of a narrow gap, it swirls counterclockwise [9].Note: The low surface tension of negatively charged water determines the flat shape of its jet, which retains the shape of the narrow slit from which it flows (Fig. 6, left); the high surface tension of positively charged water compresses its stream and causes its cross-section to take on a shape close to an annular one (Fig. 6, right) [9].
Apparently, it is clear that the difference in the direction of rotation of oppositely charged waters (Fig. 6) should not be explained using the Carioles theory [10]. At the same time, it is quite obvious that this difference in the directions of rotation of oppositely charged waters can be successfully explained using the above considerations about torsion fields created by terrestrial objects.
Because this is relevant, it is also useful to extrapolate the above considerations to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Fig. 7), the stability of which is considered to be as unclear as its ability to accumulate plastic.
Fig. 7. This is a diagram of the main Pacific currents of the northern hemisphere; clockwise currents surround the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the center of which is marked by a red oval; the equator is indicated by a dotted line at the bottom of the diagram.
So, this extrapolation itself suggests that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was created by the same Poynting vectors (4) and Lorentz forces (5) that created the Sargasso Sea (Fig. 5, right) and provided a negative charge to its central part [5]. Considering that polyethylene is the main component of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, it is appropriate to verify that it is negatively electrized upon contact with water. To clarify the reason for this particular electrification of polyethylene, it is necessary to again use Kyon’s rule. Thus, taking into account this rule, as well as the fact that the dielectric permeability of water, which is ~78.5 at 25 °C [1], significantly exceeds the dielectric permeability of polyethylene, which is ~2.2 at room temperature [3], it becomes clear that the polyethylene of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch may have an exclusively negative charge. At the same time, all the above considerations give reason to conclude that it is Lorentz forces (5) that direct negatively charged polyethylene to the center of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Thus, it is the movement of negatively charged polyethylene towards the center of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that further proves the correctness of all the above considerations regarding torsion fields.
Since this is where it seems appropriate, this diffusion of negatively charged polyethylene to the center of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch can also be identified with the Onsager’s electric current associated with mass transfer [7], [8]; it seems quite clear that it is the possibility of such an identification that indicates that the existence of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch cannot be explained using purely mechanical concepts.
One way or another, it seems that all these phenomena (Figs. 5–7) visualize the discussed torsion fields no worse than small iron filings visualize a magnetic field and than a suspension of semolina in oil visualizes an electrostatic field.
Before drawing any conclusions, it is worth recalling once again that all of the above is based solely on Kyon’s rule [1], which is purely experimental, and the laws of classical electrodynamics [2]–[4], which only describe reality. Apparently, it is precisely this basis that inspires confidence in the reality of torsion fields, at least in terrestrial conditions. At the same time, it is this basis that allows extending the above considerations about torsion fields to other objects, including extraterrestrial ones. So, the extension of these considerations to the Great Red Spot of Jupiter (Fig. 8, left) and the North Pole of Saturn (Fig. 8, right), the nature of their long-term rotation remains mysterious [11]–[17], seems both justified and promising.
Fig. 8. Left: this is a photograph of Jupiter: Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, which has been rotating since its discovery, is clearly visible. Right: this is a photograph of Saturn’s North Pole, which also appears to be rotating non-stop.
One can also hope that these same considerations can find the same understanding among supporters of the curvature of space [18]–[20] as the previously obtained result (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Numerous shells surrounding the “copper” coin are clearly visible after the aqueous MgSO4 solution has dried; apparently, these shells can be considered as evidence of the ability of a positively charged coin to curve the surrounding space [21].
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