Explaining the Nature of the Mass m of Submicroparticles and the Phenomenon of Mass Variation with Velocity V in Ether
A brief history of mass nature is presented, including formulas for mass variation with velocity V. A new mass hypothesis (MH), on the nature of mass m is presented. Accordingly, the mass m0 of submicroparticle (SMP), is given by the kinetic energy accumulated inside the SMP, by the vortices/vibrations of groups of ether (ETH) cells, constituting the submicroparticles (SSMP). These SSMPs will also create the inertial force (FI) of the SMP, due to the opposition manifested by ETH, toward any accelerated movement of SMP. A new explanation of mass m increase, with V is proposed, admitting the existence of ether in the form of our model, HM16. The entrainment of the surrounding ETH of SMP, takes place, with speed VETH, which stores the EETH energy. The spatial variation of VETH around the SMP, was analysed using the method of potential motions, for a cylinder, moving in water-like fluid, or in ETH, resulting a spectrum of the lines of current ψ, indicating the size of VETH, rapidly decreasing with distance r. So resulted the kinetic energy EETH stored by the movement of the outer ETH, which provides the supplementary mass ms. The case of SMP which acquires velocity V, approaching c, was analysed. Then, a phase change (PC) will take place, through which the SMP, transforms into photons (PHs), when movements of the ETH from the outside including energy EETH is transferred into PH photons, having velocity c, representing ETH’s property.
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