
In the paper the forced heat exchange phenomenon is validated based on experimental data shown by different authors in different countries and published in respected scientific journals. Software IQLab and regular thermal condition theory were used for solving inverse problems. The data of silver and copper spherical probes quenching in electrolytes were used. As in previous publication, it was established in the paper that heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) increase versus time during quenching of silver and copper probes in electrolytes. As noted early, all of this contradicts the theory of transient nucleate boiling processes. The problem is solved by periodical replacement of film boiling by shock boiling with the high frequency that takes place during quenching. The new idea can be used in practice for designing new and original quenching technology to save materials, increase service life of machine components and also provide an environmentally friendly solution. The importance of new technologies is widely discussed in the paper.


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