
An attempt to bring together two different theories – classical electrodynamics and quantum mechanics is made. On the example of a hydrogen atom the problem of the hypothetic electron fall into a nucleus by means of the energy conservation law is examined. The essence of the present approach consists in the assumption, that the energy and momentum of an electron in quantum model are proportional to corresponding electromagnetic fluxes. In order to achieve the result, the new formula of momentum flux density not using Poynting vector was proposed. It states that the momentum flux depends not only on electric and magnetic components of the field, but also on a frequency of an electromagnetic wave. As the main result, it was demonstrated that the total including annihilation energy of an electron in Bohr’s atom model is equal to energy of a free electron mc2 without any mention of Relativity. An electromagnetic field inside an atom occurs quantized for each electron orbit. An additional consequence shows that the two fundamental definitions of quantum energy mc2 and ħω are interrelated. If ħω is admitted according to quantum physics, then mc2 follows automatically and vice versaю


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